Tesla paid me $10,000 because of Directory Indexing

2 min readSep 25, 2022
$10,000 Bounty for Directory Indexing

Many people are interested in trying Bug Bounties, but they feel they won’t be able to find anything. I hope that my success will serve as an example for others who are thinking about bounty hunting. Below is a simple write-up describing how I was able to identify a priority 1 issue with ease.

On February 26, 2021, I disclosed a vulnerability that I had identified on a publicly-facing website owned by Tesla. This was part of a Bug Bounty program, where rewards were given for finding security vulnerabilities. The vulnerability allowed me to gain access to sensitive information, with the most sensitive finding being an IKE pre-shared key which could have been leveraged to connect to the Tesla Corporate network.

I’ll walk you through the process I followed in order to find the vulnerability below. Just as a heads up, don’t expect anything incredibly clever. This was low hanging fruit, that paid off big time!

After enumerating sub-domains and identifying servers that were listening on TCP port 80 and 443, I simply used dirb with standard wordlists against all targets.

After a few hours of directory busting, one finding stood out to me. I observed that the /uploads directory on https://trt.teslamotors.com had Directory Indexing enabled. This meant that I could browse through all of the files that were stored in that directory.

Within this directory, I found files that were sensitive to Tesla.

After perusing the various files in the /uploads directory, I observed a zip file named “pdx01.zip” and when I downloaded it, I found a number of configuration files inside. Within these files, I was able to find a VPN pre-shared key that would allow me to authenticate to the Tesla corporate network. I also found WiFi passwords for Tesla stores, and Radius passwords.

Configuration files containing hashes and clear text passwords for Tesla Motors

I reported this issue to Tesla through their BugCrowd Bug Bounty Program.

Tesla has since fixed the issue and I want to commend them for their responsiveness.

This is an excellent example of a company that takes security seriously and rewards those who help them identify and fix issues.



Red Team hacker by day, bug bounty hunter by night. Sniffing bugs so you can sniff the roses. Chill, I'm on it.